ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency.

energy star

ENERGY STAR Certification

Ceiling fans that are ENERGY STAR certified are the smart choice for today's home and business owners. A ceiling fan with lights that is ENERGY STAR certified both lowers your energy costs and helps protect the climate by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Benefits of ENERGY STAR certified ceiling fans:

  • Use 60% less energy on average than a standard model.
  • Feature more efficient motors and superior blade designs.
  • Have the ability to reverse the motor and airflow direction, so you can operate your ceiling fan year-round.
  • Non-lighting component(s) are warrantied for at least three years.
  • Meet rigorous standards for energy efficiency, quality, and performance, with testing by accredited third-party labs.
  • Some models are equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to control them with your smartphone or voice assistant for even more efficient operation!


All ENERGY STAR-certified products are tested to meet rigorous efficiency specifications and are certified by an independent third party. They perform the same as or better than standard products without compromising performance in any way.

Start your research by clicking the ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans link in our product menu. We carry nearly 400 different models of ENERGY STAR certified ceiling fans.

Helpful tips for enhanced energy savings

  • Switch it off when you leave! Fans don’t actually cool a room—they cool the occupants by circulating air. So turn fans and lights off on your way out and reap the savings.
  • Combine fans and air conditioners to further reduce your energy bills. Set your thermostat two degrees higher and use ceilings fans to circulate cool air. This can reduce your air conditioning costs by 14%.
  • If your ENERGY STAR certified ceiling fan doesn't include lighting and you want to add it, be sure to purchase an ENERGY STAR certified light kit. ENERGY STAR certified lighting is efficient and long lasting, reducing the need for bulb changes.

Regulations set the energy efficiency minimum

Ceiling fans are subject to Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations, which set a minimum performance standard for their energy efficiency. Find details in the Introduction to the Regulations.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

Need Advice?

Wondering which Energy-Star certified ceiling fan would be the best fit for your needs? We can help.

Call 1-888-333-323 today!

Ready to buy? Shop ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans.